Are you are looking for a different scouting experience? Something more traditional? A troop that does a variety of scout outings chosen by the scouts. If so, Troop 415 may be what you are looking for. We camp every month. We let the boys run the program. We wear the full scout uniform. We follow the scout oath and law.
Drop by one of our troop meetings and see how we operate. We think you will appreciate the difference a traditional scout troop can make in your son’s life.
We are a traditional scouting group. We expect boys to wear the scout uniform and to uphold the scouting principles detailed in the Scout Oath and Law. We expect our boys to behave like scouts at all times, whether they are at a scout meeting, at school or at home.
We believe that character counts. We take every opportunity to let boys grow and develop into strong leaders by teaching strong values. We believe that boys learn best by doing and learning from their mistakes. We provide an environment where boys can safely make mistakes and grow from them.
Troop 415 is over 60 years in standing and has over 40 scouts ranging from first year to Eagle Scout. Our scouts respect each other and work as a team. Our leaders are directly involved at both the Troop and District Level, our Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters have a variety of outdoor skills and talents.
Troop Meetings
Every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00PM
Meetings subject to change. Go to Contact Page to schedule a visit to our Troop.
Parents/Committee Meeting
First Wednesday of Each Month
Parents are an important part of our troop. We strongly encourage parental involvement in our troop, and parents are always welcome at any troop activity. All parents are automatically members of the troop committee and we hold a monthly parents meeting to discuss what the troop is doing and to determine what we as adults can do to support the boys.